
ShopBot Logo

Shop online from the comfort of your favorite discord servers

ShopBot makes online shopping easier than ever. Find products, track and compare prices, and discover amazing deals across popular online stores!

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Search Icon

Easy Product Search

Use the /shop or /random command to search for products from Amazon, Ebay, and Etsy!

Compare Icon

Track and Compare Prices

Find and Track prices for your /wishlist items to see when the things you want go on sale!

Link Icon

Find Hot Deals

Use /drops to see the latest price drops from all of Amazon!

How to Use

  1. Invite ShopBot to your Discord server by clicking the "Add ShopBot to Your Server" button below
  2. In any text channel, use the /shop command and type in what you want to search in the 'item' box
  3. Select an online retailer from the list and wait for the bot to work it's magic
  4. ShopBot will show search results and prices for the products
  5. Use the buttons on bottom to scroll thru pages or add items to your wishlist
  6. Have suggestions or want to learn more about ShopBot's price tracking features? Try out the /help and /suggestion commands (also check out /random for some fun!)

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